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Seize Development Opportunities and Achieve Win-Win Results
- Remarks by Ambassador Tian Xuejun at the opening ceremony of China-Africa Entrepreneurs Forum
Honorable Mr. Jiang Jianqing, Chairman of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Honorable Mr. Ben Krugar and Mr. Sim Tshabalala, Joint Chief Executive of the Standard Bank Group
Honorable Deputy Director General Yunus Hoosen, Department of Trade and Industry and the Head of Trade and Investment South Africa
Friends from the Enterprises of China and Africa,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning!
It is my great pleasure to attend China-Africa Entrepreneurs Forum. Enterprise is a main player in China-Africa cooperation and an important engine driving China-Africa relations. This forum, under the theme of “A Rising Continent, A Loyal Friend”, provides an excellent platform for enterprises of China and Africa to deepen understanding, strengthen cooperation and map out the blueprint for China-Africa business cooperation. On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in South Africa, I’d like to extend warm congratulations on the successful opening of the forum, and our sincere thanks to the entrepreneurs of China and Africa who have made positive contribution to the development of China-Africa friendship and cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In international relations, China-Africa ties are no doubt a time-honored and fast-developing relationship with substantive content, setting a fine example of relations between developing countries. The friendly exchanges between China and Africa date back to ancient times. After the birth of New China, China and Africa have supported each other in the fight against imperialism and colonialism and the struggle for national independence and liberation, and forged ahead hand in hand along the path of pursuing development and national revitalization. Since the turn of the century, the establishment of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000 has ushered China-Africa relations into a new era of comprehensive development. The two sides have maintained frequent high level visits, achieved fruitful outcomes of practical cooperation in various fields, enhanced coordination in international and regional affairs and encouraged dynamic cultural and people-to-people exchanges. China and Africa are increasingly becoming a community of shared destiny and common interests.
Business cooperation is an important driving force for China-Africa relations, and remarkable achievements have been made in this area in recent years, becoming another highlight of China-Africa relations. China has been Africa’s No.1 trading partner for five years running. In 2014, our two-way trade reached over 220 billion US dollars, hitting another record high in history. China has made commitment to offering 20 billion US dollars credit line to Africa during the Fifth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC in 2012, and this commitment has been fulfilled ahead of schedule and has remarkably promoted infrastructure building, agriculture, manufacturing sector and small and medium enterprises and enhanced capacity building in Africa. At present, China’s direct investment in Africa topped nearly 30 billion US dollars and there are over 2500 Chinese companies doing business in Africa, creating over 100 thousand local jobs. With the respect to South Africa, our bilateral trade in 2014 surpassed 60 billion US dollars. South Africa has been China’s biggest trading partner in Africa for five consecutive years and China has been South Africa’s biggest trading partner, largest export market and largest source of import for six consecutive years. More than 120 Chinese large and medium enterprises have invested about 12 billion US dollars and hired over 12 thousand local people in South Africa, playing a positive role in South Africa’s social and economic development and job creation. Looking ahead, there remains great potential in China-Africa business cooperation waiting for us to be further explored.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Many years ago, Africa was regarded as a lost continent and only seemed to be the paradise to adventurers. This image deterred foreign investment. Today, Africa is regarded by the international community as a land full of opportunities. As a hot destination for investment, it attracts increasing input from major countries in the world. Africa is home to abundant resources, an expanding emerging market and indeed, an important pole in global political and economic architecture. In recent years, Africa has maintained overall peace and stability, realized sustained and rapid growth and accelerated its integration process. This year, the African Union has formulated Agenda 2063 which sketched out the bright prospects of Africa. AU also adopted the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063, which identified the development path in a more specific way. Going forward, Africa will vigorously advance infrastructure building, connectivity and industrialization, promising tremendous potential for business cooperation with Africa. I sincerely hope that entrepreneurs from China and Africa could join hands to achieve win-win results while pushing forward African development.
At present, China is striving to fulfill the "two centenary goals" (namely, to finish building a society of initial prosperity in all respects by 2020 and to turn China into a modern socialist country by the mid-21st century) and the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation. African people are also working tirelessly to seek strength through unity and revitalization through development. With faster pace of social and economic development, the two sides will lay more solid foundation for bilateral cooperation and enjoy even broader common interests. China and Africa should follow the sound momentum, seize opportunities and focus on the future so as to upgrade our cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This year is the Year of China in South Africa and it also marks the 15th anniversary of the founding of FOCAC. In the latter half of this year, FOCAC conference will be held in South Africa. It will stand out as another grand event in the history of China-Africa relations, presenting important opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of bilateral cooperation. China will actively follow the principles of “sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith” proposed by President Xi Jinping and the right approach to principles and interests when conducting cooperation with Africa. In the endeavor to implement major cooperation initiatives such as “three networks and industrialization” (namely the networks of railway, highway and regional aviation in Africa) and “six major areas for cooperation” (namely industrial cooperation, financial cooperation, poverty alleviation, ecological and environmental protection, cultural and people-to-people exchanges, peace and security), China is ready to work with African countries to carry out business cooperation larger in scale, broader in areas and higher in level. To achieve this goal, I would like to make the following observations.
First, keep pace with the global development trend. The international order in the 21st century is undergoing unprecedented profound changes and adjustment. The rising of emerging economies and developing countries is reshaping world political and economic landscape. The international balance of power is moving toward greater equilibrium which is in favor of developing countries. China is the largest developing country and the second largest economy in the world. Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries. We should see and boost China-Africa cooperation from a strategic and long-term perspective. Under the guidance of the governments, enterprise ought to play the leading role in this regard. We should promote social and economic development through practical cooperation, advance South-South cooperation, and increase overall strength of developing countries in order to build a more just and equitable international political and economic order.
Second, align China and Africa’s respective strategies. While the African Union has outlined Agenda 2063, many African countries including South Africa have also put forward respective medium and long-term development strategies. China is willing to link the Chinese dream with the African dream and China’s two centenary goals with Africa’s development strategies, amplify the positive effect of China’s “One Road, One Belt” initiative on the development of Africa, connect our strategies, ideas and policies so as to maximize common ground and mutual benefits.
Third, identify priority areas. China-Africa cooperation is all-dimensional. While consolidating cooperation in traditional fields, we will focus on the immediate demands of Africa and promote cooperation in three major areas. First, industrial cooperation. African countries aspire to increase the added value of mineral products and level up industrialization, aimed at promoting brand “Made in Africa”. With competitive industries and surplus capacity, China has great competitiveness and competitive edge, which perfectly matches Africa’s demands. China is willing to give priority to the industrial cooperation with Africa in order to accelerate the industrialization, integration and modernization of Africa. Second, peace and security cooperation. Africa remains overall political stability, but the security situation in some areas is still challenging. China will continue to cooperate with Africa to engage in African peace and security affairs in a more constructive manner and offer our support to the best of our capacity, helping African countries resolve African issues in the African way. Third, in the post-Ebola era, China will take down-to-earth steps to assist the affected countries in economic reconstruction. At the same time, China will work with Africa to enhance Africa’s capacity in disease prevention and control and jointly build Africa’s public health system.
Fourth, strengthen people-to-people communication and exchanges. As an African saying goes,“if you want to walk fast, walk alone; if you want to walk far, walk together.” China-Africa practical cooperation could not be achieved without the solid foundation of people-to-people friendship and the remitting efforts by entrepreneurs like all of you here today. This forum offers a platform for exchanges and communication, and I hope all of you could further deepen friendship, discuss cooperation opportunities and contribute your ideas and suggestions to lifting China-Africa relations and business cooperation to a new height.
I am fully convinced that through our concerted efforts, China-Africa relations will undoubtedly embrace an even brighter future.
Thank you!



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