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非法华人鲍鱼加工厂爆炸 致1死1伤



爆炸地点位于Buitenkant Street和Lindsay Road的交叉口,距离Livingstone医院很近。消防队员和警方在凌晨5.45已经赶到犯罪现场。他们认为,这个建筑中储藏的多个煤气罐中的一个因为泄漏引发了爆炸。
受伤的两人都是外国人,目前正在Dora Nginza医院救治。
André Potgieter Just DEPORT them now !(驱逐他们吧)
Sharon Darney Harvey I feel. Nothing.Karma is all(这就是报应)
Dawie Davids That's what happen if youplay mith matches.(玩火自焚)
Lucile Grace Fourie what happens inthe dark always come to light! nw they had to pay with they lives shame.(纸里包不住火,现在他们可耻的用自己的生命付出了代价)
Colleen Nixon Most of the reports re:perlemoen seem to be foreign nationals!(和鲍鱼犯罪有关的都是外国人)
Noni Mdliva Lol so these Chineseclothing shops are a cover up....the real deal is behind close doors..!(中国服装厂都是掩护,实际上都是在幕后搞活动)
William Grove I feel nothing LoL(随他去)
Garron Lewis Beautiful(炸得好)
Dk Mawodza God have mercy!!(上帝慈悲)
ana Dhoodhat Brooks Moral of thestory...the foreigners who are there to do no good must stop stealing andraping the South African coastline...(干坏事的、盗窃和掠夺我们海岸资源的外国人必须住手)
Charles R Lewis still worid about the2 black guys who crossed the road and was knocked down by the blast.they gotup,shocked and just walked away into the dark up Lindsay Road.(当时有两名黑人经过爆炸现场,被震倒在地,两人随后消失在黑暗中)
Melany Ben What happens in the darkwill come to the light. They had a nice undercover operation, until it wasexposed by nature! And its not even South Africans(他们一直从事秘密活动,这次老天让他们曝光了,又不是南非人)
Keith Mitchley Big big worries for theowner of the building! Huge possibility that there was no gas compliancecertificate for the gas installation, so the insurance won't pay out anything.Eish.(我为房主担忧,我相信她们没有用气安全许可,保险公司不会理赔的)
Thandowam Elvis Tsikila Funny thing isI pass by the building everyday when I go to work.....I've never seen anyonethere and it looks like no one is ever inside and now the truth isout....illegal operations were happening inside lol(每天我经过这里的时候,里面都没有动静,我还在纳闷里面究竟有没有人,这一下,老天揭发了他们)
Chantal Van Der Mescht They must gowork like the rest of us then the criminals are just like Rhino poachers won'tbe happy until it's all gone.(他们应当像我们一样正常工作,不要搞类似犀牛角一样的黑勾当)
Brad Mulder Well its illegal hope yourecuperate from your injuries but as the saying goes Karma is sweet #lmfao(恶有恶报,真爽)
Beverley Gray Mace Sorry, but I cannotfeel sorry for the injured or dead here. What would they be doing with gas in aperlemoen factory?(我对死伤者没有怜悯可言。鲍鱼厂里的煤气罐,还能是干什么的?)
Bianca Viljoen and I bet you the bigboss wont be exposed!(我打赌幕后的大老板不会曝光)
Pearl Shadwell Ansley It's calledkarma(这就是报应)
Trevor Vuyo Mongameli "Perlemoenpoaching warehouse"i hear it 4 the 1st time(鲍鱼盗捞仓库!我是第一次听说这个词!)



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