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The South African Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) in collaboration with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Bank of China (BOC) hosted an investment roadshow in Guangzhou and Shenzhen from 6-11 May. More than 160 Chinese enterprises attend the event.



The 25-member delegation was selected from all Special Economic Zones in South Africa. The objective of the roadshow is to attract investors to the country’s Special Economic Zones (SEZs). The delegation consisted of high-ranking officials of the dti, SEZs and provincial economic development agencies.



According to Mr. Zikode, “The investment roadshow sought to attract varied potential investors in different sectors to invest in the South African SEZs.  As our focus in regard to the SEZ implementation programme is on attracting Investments into the SEZs, the ultimate objective of the roadshows of this nature is to bring high-level local and international investors together with a view to entice them to invest in South Africa. The seminar provides a platform wherein the South African SEZ operators will have an opportunity to meet and present their value propositions to potential Chinese investors, finance institutions, and government representatives.”


The investment roadshow took the form of seminars and business roundtables where the South African delegation presented on the country’s SEZ opportunities. Each seminar was followed by networking and match-making sessions.



These seminars follow on the back of the recently signed MOU between the Department of Trade and Industry and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Production Capacity Cooperation. The NDRC have already shortlisted 16 projects related to infrastructure, manufacturing and Special Economic Zones that Chinese enterprises are interested to participate in. The Bank of China has also signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with the dti in support of their clients who are investing and doing business in South Africa.



According to DDG Zikode, the roadshow is part of the implementation of the undertakings of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement (CSPA) signed between South Africa and China in 2011, and also the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in Johannesburg in 2015. China agreed to support South Africa and Africa’s initiativesof industrialisation and beneficiation.  



He added that the dti seeks to derive value from the cooperation agreement with China on SEZs, particularly as South Africa embarks on industrialisation and mineral beneficiation programmes. Currently, there are major flagship investment projects that South Africa is implementing in partnership with the Chinese government. These include the planning and development of a high-tech and science industrial park, a metallurgical Special Economic Zone, and capacity building programmes.  



“China is the second biggest economy in the world, and South Africa’s biggest trading partner. China’s market remains a key strategic priority for South Africa’s raw material and value-added products. More importantly, the dti has entered into a number of strategic partnerships with the Chinese government. The main purpose of these strategic partnerships is to foster cooperation on investment promotion and facilitation, infrastructure development, exchange of information and human resource development,” said Mr.Zikode. 


He stressed that in order to have vibrant SEZs and competitive regional economies, it is necessary to continuously implement a systematic marketing and investment approach for various SEZs in SA and to also state their value proposition to potential investors.



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